9. On perusal of above, we find
that the State Commission has accepted the appeal against the order of the
District Forum mainly for the reason that the instructions dated 14.02.2004
given by the complainant to the respondent bank was vague and it could not be
treated as clear instructions of ‘stop payment’. On careful consideration of
record, we find that aforesaid conclusion of the State Commission is erroneous
as the State Commission while arriving at the conclusion has ignored the fact
that the numbers of cheques stated to have been misplaced vide instructions
dated 14.02.2004 were recorded by the respondent bank in the unused cheque
register officially maintained in this regard. Photocopy of the unused cheque
register maintained by the respondent bank is available on record. On perusal of the aforesaid
photocopy, we find that on 14.02.2004, the entry regarding seven unused cheques
pertaining to the bank account no.4226 of the complainant including cheque
no.7780, which is the bone of contention in this revision, was actually made by
the respondent bank in the unused cheque register pursuant to the instructions
dated 14.02.2004 of the complainant. From this, it is obvious that
the respondent bank actually understood the instructions given by the
complainant and it is because of the said reason, the entries pertaining to
unused cheques was made in the unused cheque register. That being the case, the
respondent bank now cannot take shelter of vagueness in the letter dated
14.02.2004 of the complainant addressed to the respondent bank. From the above referred entry
in the unused cheque register, it is clear that on 14.02.2004, the respondent
bank was fully aware that as per the instructions of the complainant, the
cheques entered in the unused cheque register were not to be encashed without first referring to the
complainant. Admittedly,
the respondent bank encashed one of those cheques bearing no.7780 for Rs.1,68,450/- relating to account no.4226
of the complainant without referring to and seeking instructions from the
complainant. This
in our view obviously amount to deficiency in service. The State Commission has
allowed the appeal of the respondent bank against the order of the District
Forum without taking into account the entries made in the relevant unused
cheque register maintained in the bank. Thus in our view, the order of
the State Commission suffers from material irregularity and is unsustainable.
..REVISION PETITION NO. 2300 OF 2012 - National Commission - Amitaben Dilipkumar Shah & Ors. Vs. Varachha Co.op Bank Ltd.
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